Package 1
Package 1
45 mins.
30+ High-res edited images, Online gallery (with an option to order prints for an additional charge)
1 outfit, 1 location
Package 2
Package 2
60-75 mins.
50+ High-res images, Online gallery (with an option to order prints for an additional charge)
1-2 outfit(s), 1-2 location(s)
Package 3 - Group Only
Package 3 - Group Only
60 mins.
30+ High-res edited images, Online gallery (with an option to order prints for an additional charge)
1 outfit, 1 location
Starts at $200.00
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you got any questions!
Once you choose your date and time, I will be notified and I will contact you to ask a few questions:
a. About You!
b. Style, Theme, Outfit inspos?
c. Location?
d. What are you most excited about graduating?
e. You can ask me anything!!
*Travel fees outside of Regina may apply
*35% non-refundable deposit to book your date